TO DO TODAY sponsors NAIOP @ Noon
TO DO TODAY is the proud sponsor of the NAIOP @ Noon Seminars on Building Value through Flexibility and Tenant Experience. Join us to hear expert panelists discuss the following:…
TO DO TODAY is the proud sponsor of the NAIOP @ Noon Seminars on Building Value through Flexibility and Tenant Experience. Join us to hear expert panelists discuss the following:…
Opening of the TO DO TODAY Concierge service at GEFCO’s French headquarters. Thank you to the GEFCO teams for their enthusiastic welcome!
Qualité de vie au travail, valorisation des actifs immobiliers, création d’une communauté immeuble… Venez découvrir au SIMI Salon de l’Immobilier d’Entreprise comment TO DO TODAY transforme l’environnement de travail en une destination…